Susie Lee Accepts Invitation to Debate, Calls for April Becker to Face Voters
August 8, 2022
LAS VEGAS — Today, Susie Lee called for Republican candidate April Becker to accept Channel 8 News Now’s invitation to debate Congresswoman Susie Lee and present her solutions, or lack thereof, to the issues top of mind for southern Nevadans. Congresswoman Lee accepted the invitation, but Becker has refused to commit, which can only be attributed to her being out of touch with southern Nevada voters.
“As April Becker accepts endorsements from pro-life organizations that want to ban abortion nationwide, embraces far-right election conspiracy theories, and refuses to provide solutions on how to fight inflation, I’m continuing to proudly defend the right to choose, protect our democracy, and fight to lower costs for southern Nevada families,” said Congresswoman Susie Lee. “Southern Nevadans deserve to have all the information they need to make their decision in November, and that’s why Becker needs to face the voters she wants to represent and stand toe-to-toe with me on the issues. My record of delivering for our families will make the choice clear.”
April Becker recently accepted the endorsement of National Right to Life, of which its Nevada affiliate Nevada Right to Life, the Nevada affiliate of National Right to Life, applauded the fall of Roe v. Wade as “a necessary step to allow the process of ridding our nation of abortion to advance.” Last month, a National Right to Life official told POLITICO that a 10-year-old Ohio rape victim who traveled to Indiana to receive abortion care should have been forced to birth the baby, saying “as many women who have had babies as a result of rape, we would hope that she would understand the reason and ultimately the benefit of having a child.” Nine in 10 voters support abortion rights in Nevada.
Congresswoman Lee has always been a staunch advocate of protecting abortion rights. Endorsed by Planned Parenthood Action Fund, she has been on the frontlines of the fight to ensure that women have access to the reproductive care they need. She has also been leading the fight to bring down costs for working families, including by voting for the Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act to bring down prices for Nevadans at the grocery store and the gas pump.